Planning for the Milton Ulladulla Bypass is ramping up after extensive community consultation to help identify a preferred option for the critical upgrade.
Senator Jim Molan AO DSC said the Bypass was the first project funded as part of the Australian and NSW Government’s $1.5 billion commitment to upgrade the Princes Highway between Nowra and the Victorian border, helping thousands of local motorists and tourists reach their destinations sooner and safer along one of the most scenic highways in the nation.
“The Australian Government is backing projects to improve our highways and local roads across NSW and the nation to increase productivity, improve safety and support our local communities at a time when it is needed most,” Senator Molan said.
“The new Milton Ulladulla Bypass will remove the need for vehicles to pass through 20 separate intersections, reducing travel times and busting congestion for local motorists, tourists and transport operators — particularly during peak holiday periods.
“Importantly, the upgrade will also dramatically increase road safety for the area, with 85 crashes recoded in the existing highway corridor through Milton and Ulladulla in the five-year period to 2018.”
State Member for South Coast Shelley Hancock said more than 40 per cent of comments received during the public consultation period related to the location of the new bypass including the existing identified bypass corridor in the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan.
“Although an existing bypass corridor has been identified, a preferred corridor for the proposed Milton Ulladulla bypass has still not been decided,” Mrs Hancock said.
“This will be determined in the next planning phase with the existing bypass corridor and other corridor options considered as Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd —in partnership with Transport for NSW — undertakes the strategic investigation and design for the project.”
Four other Princes Highway upgrade projects have also progressed to the next planning phase with design contracts recently awarded for:
- Jervis Bay Road intersection upgrade – Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd;
- Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet upgrade – Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd;
- Burrill Lake to Batemans Bay upgrade – AECOM Australia Pty Ltd; and
- Moruya bypass – Arup Australia Pty Ltd.
For more information on the Milton Ulladulla Bypass and to view the consultation report visit: