Newsletter 25 September: National Security – The Solution and Police Remembrance Day

Sep 25, 2020

My Fortnightly Update

National Security – The Solution

I want Australia, for the first time in its history to be PREPARED for its uncertain future. By being prepared, perhaps we will not have to endure the worst. This is not about irrational preppers or about panic buying toilet paper, and it’s certainly not at the expense of our freedoms or our economy. The preparation I want is logical and calm, and based on facts and knowledge—while we have time to do it.

In the third post in this series ‘musings on sovereignty’, which you can find here, I’d like to explore how we need to develop from where we are today towards a ‘national security approach’.

The reason for this evolved approach is because Australia needs to secure its sovereignty by being prepared for the uncertain future we face, through a policy of national self-reliance based on a comprehensive nation-wide strategy, implemented through a modern national security organisation, which can both prepare Australia for high levels of tension as well as advise and assist the Prime Minister to manage all levels of crisis and war.

Australia faces threats, there are no two ways about it. We must be prepared to face any danger posed to Australia, and we must prepare early. We have to ensure our nation is ready for increased aggression from China and a number of other authoritarian states. If we wait until the wolf is at our door it will be too late.

While our first priority must be recovering from COVID and rebuilding our economy, we can starting thinking about how to create this new approach—approach for the 21st century—now. Thinking is cheap. Inaction is expensive.

I hope you’ve found my series on sovereignty informative an interesting. In case you missed the earlier musings, you can find the first part on Australia’s lack of self-reliance here; and the second part on how self-reliance affects you here.

Police Remembrance Day 

This year, Police Remembrance Day is on the 29th of September.

I’ve always had immense respect for the work our police forces do – even more so now given the increasing role they play in national security – something you all know I’m incredibly passionate about. It was once almost solely a military responsibility to defend our nation… the world has changed… domestic terrorism is an ever present threat… and our brave officers often find themselves right at the coal face.

My daughter, Erin, is engaged to a police officer, and has a long and proud history of supporting NSW Police Legacy. I asked her to share a few words:

“Anyone who is willing to give their life in service of those around them is a wonderful kind of human being.  With a Dad in the army, I grew up almost thinking that quality in someone was normal. It’s not. It’s incredibly unique and special. The brave men and women of our military, police forces, emergency services… including the RFS… know that every time they leave their families and head to work they might not come home. It’s a sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Australians are willing to make each year.

This week we, as a nation, we should all pause to acknowledge, commemorate and give thanks for those in blue who have paid the ultimate price.  I was lucky enough to meet Kylie and Tom Chell through NSW Police Legacy 7 years ago…. just months after (Husband and Dad) Detective Senior Constable Stuart Chell passed away.  We bonded immediately and I took Tommy as my ‘plus 1’ to the NRL Dally M awards two years in a row.  It’s Tommy’s birthday a couple of days before Remembrance Day and we are heading to the Chell’s for a BBQ this weekend.  It’s up to all of us to support those left behind and NSW Police Legacy do exactly that for all the families of service members who left for work one morning and tragically never came home.”

Sapphire Coast Bushfire Recovery Special Feature

This week the Sapphire Coast Bushfire Recovery Special Feature has been published in the Merimbula News, Eden Magnet and the Bega News.

This special issue was a fantastic opportunity to thank the community for their amazing efforts during the Black Summer Bushfires and for individuals to share their stories.

I was proud to have been able to contribute to this special edition and wanted to share my contribution with you all below.

Probus Day

Probus is a not-for-profit organisation with over 110,000 members across Australia. The purpose of a Probus club is to provide regular gatherings of retired people, who, appreciate opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances.

This year Probus Day will be held on 1 October 2020. This day coincides with the United Nations Day of Older Persons, which is an opportunity to highlight the important contributions that older people make to society.

Probus Day is a chance to raise awareness of Probus and to draw attention to the benefits of joining a Club. This day is all about celebrating Probus whilst connecting with as many retirees and semi retirees as possible.

For more information on Probus Day please head to



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