Moruya Airport in Gilmore is among 89 regional airports nationwide which will benefit from grants totalling nearly $30 million under Round 2 of the Australian Government’s Regional Airports Program.
Senator for New South Wales Jim Molan said the project would see reconstruction, strengthening and widening the taxiway to the hangar precinct.
“Every dollar spent on local infrastructure is a dollar well spent and I look forward to working with the community to deliver this vital funding as we continue recovering from the pandemic.” Senator Molan said.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the program supports important safety and access upgrades for regional airports.
“For our regional communities, the local airport provides an essential link to the rest of Australia,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“That’s why we’ve committed $100 million over four years from 2019–20 to 2022–23 to help owners of regional airports right across Australia deliver upgrades to improve runway and taxiway pavements, install new lighting or fencing.
“These projects will improve the safety of aircraft, operators and passengers, the delivery of goods and services and better meet the operational requirements of aeromedical and other emergency services, including supporting bushfire preparedness.
“This is a great example of our Government backing the aviation industry whilst boosting local economies to help secure a stronger future for these regional areas.”
For a full list of successful projects and more information on the Regional Airports Program, visit