Apr 7, 2022

The Australian Government is reducing the risk and minimising the impact to communities of large scale natural disasters like floods, bushfires and cyclones in Eden-Monaro by directly funding five projects to the value of $2,985,479.

The Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local stream is the first tranche of the Preparing Australia Program, an investment by the Australian Government of $600 million over six years to build the nation’s resilience to natural disasters.

“We know communities are best placed to understand their unique needs and how they can best improve their resilience and reduce their level of risk to natural disasters that’s why these projects have been assessed to be so important to Eden-Monaro,” Senator Molan said.

The Braidwood Major Overland Flow Investigation project in Eden-Monaro was one of 158 projects across the country that shared in $150 million dollars from the Commonwealth Government.

“Disasters currently cost Australian taxpayers $18.2 billion per year and this has been forecast to rise to $39 billion per year by 2050, even without increased frequency and intensity of weather events due to climate change,” Senator Molan said.

In delivering this program, the Australian Government is not only increasing disaster preparedness and resilience, but also reducing the cost in time and money of recovery following future disasters.

There are three streams of the Preparing Australia Program:

  • Preparing Australian Communities Program for projects of local significance (Communities Local program) – focussed on public risk reduction.
  • Preparing Australian Communities Program for projects of National Significance – focussed on public risk reduction.
  • Preparing Australian Homes Program – focussed on private risk reduction.

For more information and a full list of projects funded under Round One of the Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local stream visit: https://recovery.gov.au/disaster-risk-reduction/preparing-australia-program