J Molan, ‘Less is not always better: in defence of Force 2030’, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 16 August 2012

In this piece I have commented on Mark Thomson’s article How much is too little? Learning to live with a smaller force.

Here I have argued that “while Mark Thomson believes the reduction in defence funding is retrievable, I believe that we must assess What the ADF needs to be, based on the world as it is and not the world as you want it to be, honestly assessing the current capability of the ADF not as you imagine it might be, but from actual operational output. And then we can start to fit it into whatever the government is prepared to pay. Strangely, the last time this was thoroughly done, the force structure that came out was called Force 2030.”

J Molan, ‘Less is not always better: in defence of Force 2030’, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 16 August 2012